Sunday, June 28, 2009


This past Monday we got to spend the day with Raegan's cousins. They were all so cute together. Luke makes her laugh all the time. Here are some pics of them eating lunch together.

Rae was the last one at the table that day. She really loves to eat.

Father's Day!

Father's day was so much fun. We spent it in San Clemente at my brother Trevor's house. It was a blast!

Here is Raegan with her Daddy!

Raegan and Poppy!

Raegan and Uncle Trevor. She absolutely loves her Uncle Trevor.

Rae Rae and Aunt Ash!

Lola (Raegan's Grandma), got Raegan a new toy. She loved it. It makes lots of noise and is super loud. Thanks Lola...we will be keeping this one at your house.

Here is Kyle and I at the top of Trevor's property. The view is incredible.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Frazier Park

This past Wednesday we went up to Frazier Park to see my cousin graduate from 8th grade. You may be wondering where on earth Frazier Park might be. It is past Six Flags in the Grape Vine. It was a very long trip but it was such a fun day. Raegan got to play with puppy labs, horses, my cousins, and got to have her first campfire experience. It was so much fun. Here are a few pics from our day.

On the go!

Here are some pics of Raegan the past few weeks. She is constantly on the go and never wants to just sit anymore. I have a feeling that I am going to have my hands full.

We had some friends over for dinner the other night and all of sudden we heard Rae crying. She was stuck behind her highchair. I had to get my camera and as soon as I went to take the picture, she smiled so big. I think so loves the camera.